Beachbody Coach FAQ Video Series
Who doesn’t want to be their own boss??? Being your own boss means setting your own schedule, working from anywhere, spending more time with your loved ones, and getting paid to do what you love. It takes commitment and hard work, but it is truly one of the most rewarding endeavors you can take on.
We have put together a comprehensive Beachbody Coach FAQ Video Series to give you an overview of our business. Watch the videos, take notes, then contact us and we’ll answer all your questions.
What does it cost to be a Beachbody Coach?
Yes, there are fees. Trust us…it’s cheap to become a Beachbody Coach compared to a lot of other businesses. In fact, the basic one-time sign-up fee is only $39.98 [and there is a way to get that waived] and a $16 ongoing monthly business service fee. Focus on what you stand to gain via the business opportunity, not the nominal costs of getting and staying involved.
What training is available to Beachbody Coaches?
Training is essential. You can’t teach until you’ve had success. You can’t have success until you practice, and you can’t practice unless your learn. That’s why we created www.fcncoachtraining.com. That’s where your training as a new Beachbody Coach begins.
Why is training so important to Beachbody Coaches?
This seems obvious, but you wouldn’t believe how many new Beachbody Coaches try to reinvent the wheel or just wing it. It’s unfortunate because they often fail. This video explains why.
Is Beachbody a pyramid scheme?
In this video, Dave breaks down the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules defining and governing illegal pyramid schemes and distinguishing them from legitimate marketing opportunities like Team Beachbody.
What are the benefits of becoming a Beachbody Coach?
There are so many…but, my favorite is time.
Is it important to activate my Team Beachbody Account?
The short answer – yes, it is. This video explains why.
How much time does it take to be a Beachbody Coach?
Time, time, time…that’s always the thing, isn’t it? What’s truly important? I was a 4 handicap in golf when I became a Beachbody Coach. It never paid me a dime. I rolled the time I was spending doing that [and a few other things] into building a future for my family with Team Beachbody and now I have all the time I want.
Do I have to be a salesperson to be a Beachbody Coach?
Sales – it’s what we do and yet not what we do. I know that doesn’t make a lot of sense, but when you learn how to share, you realize it’s the easiest form of sales.
Do I have to be in shape to be a Beachbody Coach?
No. But, you do need to be on the path. Watch this video.
Neither Ward5000 Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a The Fit Club Network) or Beachbody guarantees any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at “Statement of Independent Coach Earning” for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.