Cycling (road & track)
Co-Founder of The Fit Club Network
Hi! My name is Dave Ward and welcome to my LIFE. I’m a father, retired attorney, cyclist (road & track), recovering triathlete, skier, surfer, and backpacker. So, I’ve got all that going for me.
What we do here is mostly about the “3 F’s”: Food, Fitness, and Fun. You can find the recipes and nutritional philosophy, I’ve used to stay healthy over the last 15 years. You’ll learn more about the workouts I do on a regular basis to support all my outdoor activities. We call that “Indoor Training for the Outdoor World”. Finally, “Fun”… this covers my adventures, my thoughts on life and success, and things I find interesting in the world.
How does all that help you? Well, in 2003 I found a way to stay healthy and fit. It’s really a model, rather than some rigid plan. That really changed my life and I’ve decided to help as many people connect to that model as I possibly can. Whether it’s a good fit for you is something you need to figure out. I just know what has worked for me for over a quarter of my life.
So, click on through and check out the info. If you find something you really like, share it with friends. Whatever I’ve got here is free for everyone, so share the stoke.