A New Chapter in My Life
A number of people have noticed some rather cryptic posts on Twitter and Facebook lately. I wanted to take a few minutes to explain the nature of those posts and let you in on the beginning of an an exciting new chapter in my life.
On Wednesday, February 24th, I was informed that my services at my law office would no longer be needed. While the timing of this news came as a surprise, I knew it was inevitable. So inevitable, in fact, that about 13 months ago we started this website and began to focus on taking our Team Beachbody Coaching business to the next level. When the reality and severity of the economic meltdown became abundantly clear, I felt strongly that I had to take steps to protect my family and the things in life that I had worked so hard to obtain (like our home).
Now, don’t cry for me. I plan to continue to practice law, but I’ll do it on my terms. I’m going to start my own firm and continue working with the clients that I enjoy working with. The ones that make practicing law fun. As a land use and real estate development lawyer, the last few years have simply not been fun at all. With a few exceptions, they have been a grind and that grind has taken a physical and emotional toll on me that is hard to adequately explain. Frankly, the prospect of being my own boss and taking more than two weeks of vacation every year is very exciting. I was hopeful that I could remain with my firm and simply reduce my hours and pay to be able to obtain the freedom that I wanted, but we were not able to find a solution that worked for both of us. I leave with nothing but positive thoughts about my experience there and the utmost respect for the men and women that I worked with. I appreciate them giving me until the end of April to form my own firm and get all the administrative pieces in place.
I realize that Beachbody may seem like an odd choice to some people that may have known me for years and know the passion I have for practicing law and meeting the needs of my clients. Why would I choose this vehicle as a way to protect my family and ensure that our standard of life remained consistent?
First and foremost, the economics behind Beachbody and their Coaching program simply pencil out. If anyone wants to talk about what I made my first year as a Beachbody Coach, I’m happy to have that discussion. If you want to talk about how Monica did in her third year, you better go ahead and be sure you are seated and have taken any heart medications that you may currently be on. [By the way, we’ll be discussing how to get you off those meds.] In short, in the three years she’s been with Beachbody, she has made the equivalent of 14 years of her teaching salary. In her third year, she doubled what I made my third year of practicing law. Together in 2009, we nearly equaled what I made in my ninth and FINAL year of working in law firms for other people. So don’t cry for me. The lights are going to stay on and my family will be just fine.
Second, I’ve become a bit of a fitness and nutrition junkie. Okay, I’ll admit it. I am a fitness and nutrition junkie. Some people have politics, some have religion, some have hobbies. I have fitness and nutrition. The opportunity to be both involved in this industry and make a living at it is pretty appealing to a person like me. Every day people that want to get healthy turn to Monica and I for help. I can’t even explain how empowering it is to help someone take control of their lives in this way. Nothing compares to empowering people with the knowledge of how to do that and then watching them pay that forward to others.
Third, I wanted to have more time with my wife and kids. I’m the luckiest guy that I know. I have an amazing wife and two healthy, vibrant, and funny kids. I wanted to soak up these relationships in a way that I just couldn’t without having complete independence. This morning we ate breakfast together. I’ve taken them to school the last two days. Yesterday, Monica and I went for a 15 mile bike ride together [her first road ride]. I started practicing law the year my daughter was born and the rat race was on. I can’t get that time back. What I can do is make sure that I don’t surrender any more. Now I have that opportunity. We’ll be taking a road trip up the Pacific Coast this summer. In addition, my 92 year old grandfather, my brothers, and I will have plenty of time to hit the Teton River in Idaho, the place where he taught me to fly fish and one that is near and dear to my heart.
Finally, I’m deeply concerned about the direction the health of our country is heading. If you read this blog, you’ve seen me talk about the obesity epidemic and, particularly, Chef Jamie Oliver’s video. I’m passionate about this. Americans have been lied to by food companies that have one single desire and that is making more money by getting you to eat sugar and chemicals that are designed to get you addicted to their product. Our schools have done a great job of making sure that our kids get hooked on sugar nice and early to keep that train rolling. Did you know that Type 2 Diabetes used to be called “Adult Onset Diabetes” until thousands and thousands of kids started developing the syndrome? I’ll hold off on this rant for another day, but we are in trouble and Beachbody provides me with the perfect vehicle to be a part of the change that needs to happen here in the U.S.
So, there you have it. A new chapter of my life is beginning and I’m super excited about it. The best news, and what I hope you take from this post, is that we saw this coming well in advance and took the necessary steps to make sure that Plan B didn’t involve bankruptcy or foreclosure. Last year was hectic as I had to juggle two jobs, both of which were demanding. Today, I know that it was one of the best decisions I made and all the effort was worthwhile. Even though I am the luckiest guy I know, you can go ahead and wish me luck anyway.
I think I’ll go swim a few thousand meters and then sit in the sun for a while today. That sounds like a good way to spend a Friday.
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Neither Ward5000 Enterprises, Inc. (d/b/a The Fit Club Network) or Beachbody guarantees any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located at "Statement of Independent Coach Earning" for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes.