6 Portion Fix Tips to Help You Succeed
When I don’t have structure, I tend to lose focus, which is why I absolutely LOVE Autumn Calabrese’s Portion Fix eating plan. I’ve learned a few things since starting it when it launched (as the 21 Day Fix) in early 2014, and I want to share six valuable Portion Fix tips that will definitely help you succeed.
But, first, just in case there’s any confusion, I want to fill in any gaps you might have in your knowledge of Portion Fix.
What is Portion Fix?
The original name for Portion Fix was the 21 Day Fix, and many still call it the “21 Day Fix” or just “the Fix” today.
Created by Autumn Calabrese in early 2014, it quickly became Beachbody’s cornerstone nutrition program. She has a strong background in nutrition and personal training, with certificates from the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and the American Fitness Professionals & Associates (AFPA), and is very popular in the fitness industry.
As I mentioned, Portion Fix is a structured eating plan that uses portion control to get you eating the right foods at the right ratios. As you follow the program, you’ll also learn the right times to eat certain foods.
Rather than counting calories, you choose foods from an approved food list and measure them in color-coded food containers. Each colored container is for a different food group and the number of containers you are allowed per day are determined by your goals.
In addition to the regular Portion Fix, Autumn created the Ultimate Portion Fix for when you want to hit your nutrition hard core.
Portion Fix is a simple system that is perfect for those who are looking to re-train themselves how to eat healthy without any guesswork. It can be used with any program in the Beachbody on Demand library.
Here are My 6 Portion Fix Tips
These six Portion Fix tips are tried and true—by me and many of the people I coach. They will help change your mindset and succeed on your health and fitness journey.
Portion Fix Tip #1—Eat Foods That Rock Your Boat
The Portion Fix food list is actually quite extensive. One of my most important tips helps it not to overwhelm or over-direct you.
Your goal over time is to figure out what foods float your boat from the list and what type of food preparation makes you drool. The more you like a specific food, the more you’ll stick with a plan that includes it on the menu!
By the way, if one of your foods is not on the list, I’d bet that there is a solid substitute that comes very close. Healthy eating is ALL about food swaps.
I adore broccoli and Brussel sprouts. I love them even more when they’re roasted and they get that little bit of caramelization on top. Seriously, I could eat that all day long.
But…my hands down favorite really and truly is Shakeology. If you’re not on the wagon yet, this nutritional supplement makes the Portion Fix journey so much easier. Give it a try with the Shakeology Sampler Pack:
- Whey Sampler Pack—Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Café Latté
- Vegan Sampler Pack—Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Café Latté
NOTE: The Sampler Pack is only for first-time Shakeology users, so there is a limit of one per person.
Portion Fix Tip #2—Nail Down Your Triggers
When you know better, you do better. Yet, we often aren’t even aware, so we get stuck in unconscious bad habits!
I find writing things down helps me tremendously, so when I made a change, I’ll commit to keeping a short, but sweet, daily diary that documents my actions and experiences throughout the day.
Here’s a helpful daily tracker for your diary—Coach Monica’s 21 Day Fix Daily Tracker
The goal is to figure out what your triggers are.
For example, when I started really paying attention, I noticed that I’d be on point all day with my Portion Fix nutrition, then the evening would hit and I’d have a glass of wine that I didn’t account for in my containers and I would get irrationally hungry.
Just this awareness helped me stay on track better. My rational mind was once again in control!
Portion Fix Tip #3—Make a One Year Fitness Plan
Although nutrition accounts for about 75% of the weight loss formula, it is definitely important to bring fitness into the equation.
One of the things that is so amazing about Beachbody is their On Demand Membership.
For only $99, you get one year of access to HUNDREDS of workouts—and so much more. This makes it very easy to plan out a year’s worth of workouts.
I like to start out with a program that increases my flexibility, something like the 3 Week Yoga Retreat or PiYo (a blend of yoga and pilates).
Then, I step it up with something like Shift Shop or the 21 Day Fix workout program, or now the new Barre program.
By January 1 of this year, I was able to map out my entire year of fitness so I removed the possibility of stagnation!
Here’s a peek at the BOD fitness program library so you can get an idea of all that is available to you and how fun your year can be!
Portion Fix Tip #4—Join a Support Group
Accountability and support groups have been proven to boost your odds of success, especially when it comes to fitness and nutrition.
My Soulful Fit Club on Facebook is a FREE and private group where you can be supported and support others. It’s incredibly motivating to be both supported and be the source of support to others.
Click on the button below to request to join us!
Portion Fix Tip #5—Focus on the Present & Self Discovery
Losing weight is not just about dieting. Your goal is not to lose a certain number of pounds, but to change your lifestyle.
This is a huge, and incredibly fulfilling, deal! So, it's super important to get in the mindset that it's not an event, it's a process.
Being present in the moment and paying attention to your inner and outer workings will make this process so much smoother, quicker, and more successful.
Portion Fix Tip #6—Reward Yourself
Celebrate your successes! I like to choose a reward I cannot eat that I will treat myself to when I reach a certain milestone.
The rewards don't have to be big or cost a lot of money—they are just something special to tell yourself that you're doing a fabulous job.
Portion Fix Coaching
If you have any Portion Fix tips to add to this list, I'd love to hear them—just share them in a comment below!
One of the benefits to Beachbody on Demand that I didn't mention above is FREE coaching—for Portion Fix or any other aspect of your Beachbody experience, such as supplements or workouts.
I'm here to help you! And, it doesn't cost you a penny. Now, THAT is amazing!