Can I Drink Coffee on the 21 Day Fix?
When it comes to beverages, the second most common questions I get asked (after “Can I drink alcohol on the 21 Day Fix?” 😄) is — “Can I drink coffee on the 21 Day Fix?”. I get it…coffee is crucial!
If you can’t imagine a morning without the mental and physical pick-me-up that coffee brings to you, I have good news. The simple answer to this question is YES, you can drink coffee on the Fix!
But, I want you to watch this video where I share my thoughts on how coffee fits with the 21 Day Fix—and about its limitations:
I do want to let you know about a healthy alternative to coffee that I highly recommend and regularly use myself—it’s called Focused Energy. It’s healthier because it gets its caffeine from green tea instead of coffee, which has antioxidants in it. It also contains guarana, ginseng, rhodiola, and lion’s mane—all excellent natural sources of energy. You can read more about it HERE.
Hopefully, I’ve answered your question “Can I drink coffee on the 21 Day Fix?”! I answer a bunch more questions in my 21 Day Fix FAQ video series:
Get My FREE 21 Day Fix Meal Plan
I fell so madly in love with the 21 Day Fix after it first came out that I decided to specialize in the program. It checks all of boxes—like being simple and structured—and will help you change your lifestyle (rather than just diet).
I want to help YOU achieve success with this amazing program. Beachbody provides me the opportunity to offer you FREE coaching so I can do just that.
One of the MANY resources I've created for my Fixers is a 21 Day Fix meal plan with seven Fix-compliant meals, so you can start off on the right foot instead of feeling overwhelmed. (I also include the corresponding shopping list and a super helpful cheatsheet for you!)
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