Triathlon Training with P90X
As many of you know, I’ve been supplementing my triathlon training with P90X. I’ve found that cross training has not only made me lighter and faster, but it has reduced my exposure to injuries.
There are more and more articles coming out lately touting cross training to ensure that triathletes keep their muscles well rounded. The repetitive motions of swimming, cycling and running can build certain muscles, while leaving others undeveloped. Strength training helps me to focus on those support muscles, which helps avoid injury. In addition, a regular yoga practice has really helped me maintain my flexibility and enjoy a degree of calm and clarity that I have never had before. In short, I highly recommend some from of strength training. (For more info on triathlon training, check out our P90X and Triathlon page.)
So, what’s next? I’m getting ready to start Shaun T’s Insanity. After that, there will be a few races in the Fall and then I’ll start to gear up for the Navy SEAL Half-Ironman Triathlon. That’s the BIG boy and it will take everything I’ve got to get it done.
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