The Fit Club Network’s Weight Loss Contest
Are you a part of the Fit Club Network? If so, we have some exciting news for you—we have our very own weight loss contest! Inspired by the Beachbody Challenge, we created the Healthy Bod Challenge because we wanted to offer the same exciting opportunity to our very own (much smaller) team. We hold the contest EVERY month to reward members for their 30 or 60 day transformations because…well, because we truly love motivating and rewarding people!
Why Enter Our Weight Loss Contest?
So why the heck would you want to enter “a” weight loss contest, let alone ours? Two big reasons:
- Being acknowledged for your hard work feels good and is massively motivating.
- Getting free money or goods feels really good.
I want to share one of the highlights of my career as a Beachbody Coach. My best work with Team Beachbody was with a man named Bob Taylor. He and I connected in late 2013. He was 49 years old and, like too many 49 year olds, he was carrying around an extra 50 pounds. Eventually, he gained another 50 and weighed in at 266 pounds. He’s about 5’10”.
Needless to say, this caused health problems. Bob suffered from pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome and was on various medications and, much to his humiliation, had to use a CPAP machine (that’s the oxygen mask device that people wear at night to prevent them from dying of sleep apnea). The good news is that Bob made the decision to get healthy. He set a goal to lose 50 pounds by age 50 and committed to working with me to reach it.
In addition to being excited for Bob, I was also excited for another reason. At the time, I was looking for someone to coach to the finals of the Beachbody Challenge. It’s a super exciting journey—going from a monthly contest all the way up to two final winners at the end of the year.
As a result of commitment, hard work, and my help, Bob ended up losing 97 pounds (that number is even higher now) and made it all the way to the Beachbody Challenge Finals! He won about $31,000, but MOST importantly, he felt acknowledged, massively proud and HEALTHY. Not only has he kept his weight off, but he’s since competed in Iron Man Triathlons. Truly amazing. You can read Bob’s full story here—Be Like Bob: Win a Workout Challenge Contest
Our monthly Healthy Bod Challenge contest is MUCH easier to win than the Beachbody Challenge because the contestant pool is a fraction of the size. Instead of being one of thousands, you’ll be one of a handful. Sometimes it’s a big handful…sometimes it’s a small one. Last month, EVERY contestant won something. Although, that’s not always the case, it can and does happen—and we don’t mind a bit! We’re just thrilled to acknowledge and encourage anyone we can on their journey toward good health.
Healthy Bod Challenge Requirements
We keep things simple here at the Fit Club Network. Here are the only requirements to enter the Healthy Bod Challenge weight loss contest:
- Be a member of the Fit Club Network team. Being a member of the Fit Club Network means you are one of our personal customers (and have either myself or Coach Monica assigned as your Team Beachbody Coach), you are a customer of one of the coaches on our (very large) team OR one of our coaches. (We verify the membership of all winners through our Beachbody office once the votes are tabulated.)
- Use a Beachbody program to have a 30 or 60 day transformation. Now, here’s where I don’t want you to shoot yourself down before you’ve even given it a chance. Take a second and pop over to our Winner’s Gallery and you’ll see that our winner’s haven’t gone through any drastic transformations. It’s really about their story—and their effort at getting people to vote for them!
- Enter the contest during the entry period on the 1st through the 3rd of every month. To enter, you need a name, email address, Before & After picture (that meets our requirements as outlined on the entry form page), the name of the Beachbody program that helped you reach your goal, and a story of your journey (max 750 words). Although you can enter as often as you like, you can only win once every six months. (More on that in the contest rules, which you’ll find on the entry page.)
- Follow the contest rules. These are totally straightforward and can be found on the Entry Form page.
That’s it! Okay, you might need a little patience to get you through the four day voting period that happens on the 4th through the 7th following your entry period.
Healthy Bod Challenge Prizes
This is the most important part, right? Here are the prizes that we offer EVERY month to winners of the Healthy Bod Challenge:
- 1st — $300.00 CASH
- 2nd — $150.00 CASH
- 3rd — $25.00 CASH
- 4th — Your choice of Beachbody t-shirt
- 5th — Varies (a Shakeology Boost, a Performance Line supplement, etc.)
Be sure and check out our GROWING gallery of past winners—Healthy Bod Challenge Winner’s Gallery
Coach Monica’s Moment of Fame
Did you know our very own Coach Monica won some cash in the Beachbody Challenge??? Yep, so cool.
Back in 2007, when it was called the “Million Dollar Body Game” (and we were married), Monica was trying really hard to encourage me to consider making a career change to something (full-time coaching was her vote) that didn’t make me miserable like being an attorney was. I was seriously considering it, but I was definitely worried about the financial impact on the family if I transitioned careers. Well, she was serious as well…so it seems that she manifested some extra cash to help convince me. Check it out:
(If you’re at all interested in reading my story about leaving a law career to be a full-time Beachbody Coach, you can do so HERE.)
Get Coached for Free
Whether you want to be our next Bob or simply enter our very own Healthy Bod Challenge weight loss contest, we are here to help you. Click below to learn more about our FREE coaching program and get signed up today: